1 min read
15 May

01 Reserve space and don’t overfill the freezer.

A certain gap should be left between food or containers in the freezer to facilitate the circulation of cold air and ensure the necessary temperature. Food placement should not exceed 70% of the freezer volume. Too much food will affect the normal refrigeration function of the freezer.

If the food in the freezer is overcrowded, it will not only cause excessive heat load and waste electricity, but also cause the actual temperature inside the freezer to be higher than the set temperature, causing bacteria to breed and cause food to deteriorate. 

02 Provide a good environment for the freezer to ensure the cooling effect

Freezers with poor cooling performance will be affected by the outside temperature, thereby increasing the energy consumption of the freezer, and will also affect the temperature inside the freezer. Unstable temperature will increase the growth of bacteria. 

03 Storage of food ingredients in different areas

The capacity of commercial freezers is larger than that of household freezers, and some have different partitions inside, making it easier to classify and place food and avoid odor transfer. 

04 Suitable temperature and humidity, control temperature and humidity

We should reasonably use the temperature of the freezer to store ingredients. We need to know the basic freshness temperature of various types of ingredients and which cold room is suitable for placement. Refrigerators often absorb a lot of heat from the evaporator and frost constantly forms on it, causing the humidity inside the cabinet to be often lower than the humidity requirements for food storage. 

The lVNi air-cooled freezer adopts frost-free refrigeration mode to minimize the occurrence of frost.

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